How to create a basic docker network
Note: * This is a learning task and you can try to do it in your own learning environment. I have done a sample solution using VirtualBox with Ubuntu OS.
Note: * This is a learning task and you can try to do it in your own learning environment. I have done a sample solution using VirtualBox with Ubuntu OS.
1. Create a Jenkins job named httpd-php and configure it to accomplish below given tasks.
a. Install httpd and php-fpm and along with their dependencies on mnode01 App server.
b. HTTPD should serve on port 8081 on mnode01 app server.
Note: * This is a learning task and you can try to do it in your own learning environment. I have done a sample solution using VirtualBox with Ubuntu OS.
check below the sample solution video for the above task.
1. Create two jobs httpd and services.
2. Create a new folder under Jenkins UI which should be named WebService.
3. Move the above-mentioned two jobs under WebService folder.
* This is a learning task and you can try to do it in your own learning environment. I have done a sample solution for this task on Ubuntu OS.
check below the sample solution video for the above task.
1. Create a Jenkins job named Packages. ( No worries about configuration now)
2. Create users named kumar with password kumar@1234 and user raja with password raja@1234.
2. Grant permissions to these users to access Packages job as per details mentioned below:
a.) Make sure to select Inherit permissions from parent ACL under inheritance strategy for granting permissions to these users.
b.) Grant mentioned permissions to kumar user : build, configure and read.
c.) Grant mentioned permissions to raja user : build, cancel, configure, read, update and tag.
* This is a learning task and you can try to do it in your own learning environment. I have done a sample solution for this task on Ubuntu OS.
check below the sample solution video for the above task.
1. Create a Jenkins job which should be named jenkins-pipeline-job.
2. Configure this job to run a simple bash command to echo Hello Jenkins!!.
3. Create a view named jenkins-crons (should be a List View) and make sure Jenkins-pipeline-job under this new view.
4. Schedule this newly create job to build periodically at every minute i.e '* * * * *' (please make sure to use the cron expression exactly the same how it is mentioned here)
5. Make sure the job builds successfully.
* This is a learning task and you can try to do it in your own learning environment. I have done a sample solution for this task on Ubuntu OS.
check below the sample solution video for the above task.
2. Create a jenkins user john with password Abc@Def and full name should be John (its case sensitive).
3. Using Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy assign overall read permission to john user. Also, make sure john only has read permissions to the newly created job/already existing job (we are not worried about other permissions like Agent, SCM, etc.).
4. login with the newly created user and see he has read-only access to the job.
* This is a learning task and you can try to do it in your own learning environment. I have done a sample solution for this task on Ubuntu OS.
check below the sample solution video for the above task.
1. Create a parameterized job which should be named as parameterized-job.
2. Add a string parameter named Stage; its default value should be Build.
3. Add a choice parameter named env; its choices should be Development, Staging and Production.
4. Configure job to execute a shell command, which should echo both parameter values (you are passing in the job).
5. Build the Jenkins job at least once with choice parameter value Development.
* This is a learning task and you can try to do it in your own learning environment. I have done a sample solution for this task on Ubuntu OS.
check below the sample solution video for the above task.
How to create a basic docker network 1. Create a docker network named mynetwork . 2. Configure it to use bridge drivers. 3. Set it to use ...